Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Get Ready – Get Set – Get Organized!

The holidays are over, the New Year’s resolutions have been made, and winter is in full swing. Many of us like to spend the weeks leading up to spring getting organized so that the all important spring cleaning is easier. But, a lot of us just don’t know where to start. Here are a few tips to help get you on your way to having a place for everything and everything in its place.

You probably received some gifts during the holidays that you have no idea where to put. Every drawer, cabinet, and closet is full. So, it’s out with the old; and in with the new time. A great place to start getting organized is making space by eliminating everything that you don’t need or use. A good rule of thumb that many people use is to get rid of anything that you haven’t worn or used in the past six months. Personally, I like to apply the rule to anything I haven’t used in the past year. That way, I don’t throw out seasonal items I may want when that particular season rolls around again.

If you are someone like me who has trouble letting go of things, you may need to use a two step process. When going through your drawers and closets make three piles. The first pile is for things that you will definitely keep. The second pile is for things you will definitely discard. The last pile is for anything that you know needs to go because you haven’t used it; but just can’t quite let go yet. Put these items in a storage bin and store in your attic or garage. Keep them for six months. After that, if you haven’t used them they must go.

Once you have weeded out all the things that are just taking up space you will be able to organize what’s left. For instance, I like to hang my clothes in the closet with like items together; so it is easier and less time consuming for me to find things. One way is to hang all the dresses together, jeans together, etc. Another is to hang like colors together. You may not feel the need to go quite that far with your organization plan; but at the least you should hang, fold, or stack everything you are putting away neatly.

That takes care of the inside of your home; but what about those spaces like the attic and garage where we store seasonal decorations, tools, and items we don’t use often. Years ago, I just packed my Christmas decorations in various cardboard boxes and stored them in the garage. I never knew which box contained the lights and which contained the tree ornaments; and the boxes being different shapes and sizes never stacked well. So, I decided to start making my life easier by buying plastic storage bins for everything stored in my garage. I put seasonal decorations, extra linens, craft supplies, etc. in the bins and label each bin with a number. Every time I fill a bin I make a list of the items that I put inside. Anytime I need an item, I just refer to my list to find out which bin it is in. I use an Excel spreadsheet for my list which is easy to update anytime I discard an item or get something new. The initial set up took some time; but now it is easy peasy. I cannot begin to tell you how much easier this has made my life.

Once you have everything together that you don’t need anymore, call a local charity and donate all items that could be of use to someone else. Just because you don’t need it anymore doesn’t mean it isn’t just what someone else needs. This recycling will not only do some good for the environment; it will give you a sense of real accomplishment. Hopefully, these tips have inspired some great organizational ideas of your own. If so, let us know your ideas in the comments; and we will include your tips in our next organizational blog. So, what are you waiting for? Get up and get busy!