Monday, May 19, 2014

Much Ado About Nothing

Today’s blog is about nothing. Yes, I said nothing. I thought I had an idea; however, I was wrong. So in lieu of something insightful, thought provoking, or informative, I will attempt to write about nothing at all.

First, what is nothing?  The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines nothing as follows:

nothing pronoun \ˈnə-thiŋ\

1. not any thing :  no thing nothing to the imagination>
2.  no part
3.  one of no interest, value, or consequence nothing to me>

Most of us do nothing most of the time.Does providing the definition of nothing mean that I just wrote about something? I suppose some would say so. I say nothing means nothing; and I’m writing this, so there.  I do realize there are times when nothing does mean something like when a husband/boyfriend asks his wife/girlfriend what is wrong. If she replies”nothing”, guys it DEFINITELY means something. Watch out!

I have come to the conclusion that most of us do nothing most of the time. I’ll prove it to you. How many times do you call up a family member or friend and ask them what they are doing only to hear the reply “Nothing”. Happens to me all the time. Also, when I get the calls; and am asked, I reply “nothing” proving that I’m just as lazy as anybody. Admit it. You say you’re doing nothing, too.

There is another instance when many of us seem to embrace nothing. When asked “what would you like for your birthday?”, we reply “nothing”. Some of us really mean nothing while others mean something; but are just being nice. I admit that I’ve been guilty of saying nothing when I meant something. Okay, okay, I’m a material girl. I don’t believe that disqualifies me to write about nothing. Besides, seems like I’m pretty good at it.

To sum up all this nothingness, I would simply like to say that even when you don’t have an idea in your head, there is still nothing. Maybe next time, I’ll write about “something”.