Monday, November 29, 2010

Virus Alert

ThinkPoint Virus Alert and Free Fix

After you have used all the information contained in this article run a full free computer safety scan from Microsoft at this link: You can also call Microsoft for free help through this link, for your version of windows :

This article is for information purposes only and we are not liable or accountable for its contents. This worked for us and we felt obligated to pass it along to you.

Our hints and tips article this week deals with a virus we got on one of our computers. The dos and don’ts should be followed to the letter. We provide you with information you will need if your computer does become infected, and to help you keep informed.

Print and Save this article in case this happens to you! You will need these instructions to start fixing your system! Yesterday one of Hubcaps and Gravy’s computers got a virus from an e-mail. The e-mail subject read, "Unable to deliver package to your address”. It appeared to be from a common carrier. When opened we got a security alert Win32/Trojan alert. The only thing that would come up was a Microsoft “looking” security program called ThinkPoint. Do Not buy anything From ThinkPoint! We tried using; and using their fix. It did NOT work. We were lucky to have a second computer to use in searching for a fix. We found the following helpful information at  and wanted to share it with you.

What this infection does:

ThinkPoint is a fake rogue anti-spyware program that is part of the Fake Microsoft Security Essentials infection. When this infection is installed on your computer it will display a fake Microsoft Security Essentials alert that states that it has detected an Unknown Win32/Trojan on your computer. It will then prompt you to scan your computer, which will start a fake scan of your computer that ultimately states that C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe is infected with Trojan.Horse.Win32.PAV.64.a and that it will install ThinkPoint to remove the virus. It will then prompt you to press the OK button, which will reboot your computer to finish the installation.

When your computer reboots you will be presented with the ThinkPoint start screen before your normal Windows desktop is shown. It then prompts you to scan your computer, which will state that your computer is infected with numerous infections. It will not, though, allow you to use your computer as the Windows desktop or the Windows task manager will not be allowed to run until you purchase the ThinkPoint program. In fact if you try to close the program it will state that "Current settings don't allow unprotected startup. Please check your settings.". As you can see this program is a scam as it is ransoming the proper operation of your computer until you purchase it. It goes without saying that you should not purchase this program for any reason.

The ThinkPoint infection will not allow you to access your desktop. Therefore, we will need to follow certain steps to close the infection process so that you can regain access to your desktop. When you first start your computer you will most likely be presented with the ThinkPoint start screen as shown below.

1. When you see this screen, do not click on any of the buttons. Instead click on the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete button at the same time to bring up the Windows Task Manager. The best way to do this keyboard combination is to hold down the Ctrl and Alt key at the same time and then press the Delete key while holding the other buttons down. Once you do this, it will successfully launch the Task Manager or screen where you can select the Task Manager to be run.

2. When the Task Manager starts, click on the Processes tab.

3. You will now be at the Processes tab as shown in the image below.

4. When you are at the above screen, scroll down through the list of running processes and left-click once on the hotfix.exe process.

5. Once the hotfix.exe process is higlighted, click on the End Process button. When you press this button, Windows will ask if you are sure you want to terminate the process. You should press the Yes button to terminate it.

6. ThinkPoint will now be terminated and you will be at a blank screen with Task Manager running. Now click on the File menu and select New Task (Run...) from the menu.

7. When the Create New Task prompt appears, type explorer.exe into the Open: field and press the OK button. After a minute or so you should be back at your Windows desktop.

At this point start “Internet Explorer” and go to this page!  You have done everything up to # 9 on the fix, and need to follow the instructions completely. Do Not Stop or you will have to start over!

It is possible that the infection you are trying to remove will not allow you to download files on the infected computer. If this is the case, then you will need to download the files requested in their guide on another computer and then transfer them to the infected computer. You can transfer the files via a CD/DVD, external drive, or USB flash drive.

The software you download will fix your computer with a scan that may last for hours. Our computer took 6 hours to run the scan. Let it run! When the scan ends with all the infections listed, you can delete them. Thank you for this helpful and valuable information; and especially for the FREE fix.

Important: Then use  Microsoft Safety scan. Use the full scan version.

Our hints and tips, dos and don’ts, and help you keep informed page is looking to help. If you have a good tip that you think people need to read, send us an email at

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tips for Serving Turkey to a Turkey

You’ve just spent days cleaning, decorating, and cooking in preparation for the big family holiday celebration. You are excited, exhausted, and a little worried. Will your mom hover over you while you prepare the meal, telling you everything you are doing wrong? Will Grandma hound your thirty-something sister incessantly about when she will marry and have a baby? Will your dad insist on carving the turkey while waving around the carving knife in front of your new husband? Will Uncle Billy drink too much and tell Aunt Martha the reason she never married is because she looks like the rear end of a buffalo? What do you do outside of hiring a family therapist to be in attendance? We have a few hints and tips that just may help keep the peace.

Family members who try to help by telling you where you are going wrong usually mean well, especially moms and dads. If the torch has passed to you to host the holiday festivities mom and dad may be feeling a little left out or useless. This could be the underlying cause of their well meant yet unwanted “help”. Let them be helpful. Think about it beforehand; and put them in charge of a task that will keep them out of the kitchen. Ask dad to serve the drinks; and mom to set the table in the dining room.

One of our best helpful hints is that some topics should be avoided like the plague such as politics and religion. However, if someone does tread into these waters and a heated discussion arises; try not to take sides. If asked your opinion, sidestep. An answer like “I’m much too busy enjoying my meal to voice an opinion on that right now” can diffuse the situation by bringing the involved parties minds back to the meal.

No matter how hard you try to keep some family members from going at it; there seems to always be those two cousins who just can’t seem to stand each other. The best thing to do is keep them apart. Seat them on opposite ends of the dinner table. Put them in separate rooms if possible. For more dos and don’ts on seating arrangements, read “Top Tips for Successful Seating Arrangements”. If they still seek each other out so that they can have their annual argument, then so be it. Just go with the flow. Unless they try to draw everyone into their drama or start to throw punches let them be.

Use the shock factor. If you’ve gently tried to direct a conversation gone wrong into another more uncontroversial area and nothing seems to work, blow them out of the water by asking if they had sex this morning. If that doesn’t work, lie. Yes, we said lie. Say “did you know Aunt Martha is having an affair with a man half her age?” Even though you know it’s a lie you will get everyone’s attention; and the conversation will move in a different direction.

Probably our best tip of all is to use humor. Laughter helps everyone relax and have a good time. That is what it’s all about, isn’t it? Whenever you sense that a discussion is headed in the wrong direction, try to inject some humor. Most families have funny stories that make everyone laugh. Remember the time Holly fell in the creek; or when we were chased by killer bees at the fair? Trust me, it was funny! There’s nothing wrong with planning ahead and having some stories or jokes in reserve.

For more helpful hints read “Every Family Has A Turkey - Tips for Keeping the Peace”.

If you’ve tried all our hints and tips and mayhem still breaks out, pull up a comfy chair, sit back, and enjoy the show. There’s always next year, right?  More Hints and Tips

What’s the Difference between OEM and Remanufactured HP Printer Ink?

The question arises when looking to replace ink cartridges as to what type of cartridges are best to get, OEM or remanufactured ones. There is an open battle between original printer ink and generic cheaper ink most sought for after a faltering economy. One of the first reasons consumers are looking for alternative ink is the incredible high prices when purchasing Original HP ink. Because OEM cartridges are substantially higher priced than cheaper generic or remanufactured cartridges is there a reason why to choose them?

It is important to note that HP is always releasing new printer models sometimes faster than the old ones gather dust. This is a way of making sure users purchase Original cartridges because it takes several months for generic manufacturers to get up to speed on OEM cartridges do have plenty advantages that should not be left untold. They printer has been developed to achieve specific printing results with the help of Original HP printer ink cartridges and thus assuring a longer life expectancy and excellent results. OEM cartridges also provide a guarantee on the length of time a photo or graphic last when printed with original ink and also HP paper.

Now remanufactured HP printer ink has the huge advantage of low cost. With the price of an original cartridge people can purchase two remanufactured and pay for shipping charges and sometimes still have money left. It is important to watch out for fake and badly remanufactured HP printer ink cartridges so choose ISO-9001 certified companies, make sure they have a long and complete money back guarantee and long should be no less than a year. Not everyone uses printer cartridges immediately after purchasing and if the cartridge has only 60 days they get stuck with a defective item. Both type of cartridges have their pro's and con's the choice is yours.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Helpful Tips for Avoiding Colds and Flu

Cold and flu season is here; and none of us want to be sick. So, what do we do to avoid those nasty germs that seem to be lurking everywhere? We compiled some common sense tips that will help you stay healthy.

Wash your hands. Let’s say that again. WASH YOUR HANDS! This is one of the best tips that we can give you. Wash your hands often throughout the day. Don’t just give your hands a quick rinse under the faucet. Using warm water and soap and washing for at least twenty seconds will kill germs. If you can’t wash your hands, then use hand sanitizer. Keeping a small spray bottle of alcohol in your purse or your car is another helpful hint. Every time you return to your car take a moment to liberally spray your hands with alcohol. Follow with moisturizer if they get too dry.

Even with lots of washing, hands are still germ breeding grounds. Avoid putting your hands near your mouth or nose. This may take some effort on your part to break a habit; but getting through cold and flu season without getting sick will make the effort more than worthwhile. Of course, if you are sick and are coughing or sneezing be sure and cover your mouth so that you aren’t spreading your germs. After a cough or sneeze is the perfect time for a good hand washing.

We all know work and public places are probably the best places to pick up germs that cause all kinds of nasty viruses. At work, don’t handle door knobs, keyboards, telephones, files, or anything else that is unnecessary. While shopping, avoid touching anything that you don’t need to touch. If you visit a public bathroom, use a paper towel to turn off the faucet after washing your hands. Also, use a paper towel to open the bathroom door to get out. If you need to sign paperwork use your own pen, not one provided by a coworker or clerk. If you bring your lunch to work or eat out, try and have something that is eaten with a spoon or fork rather than your hands. If you do eat a sandwich wrap it in a napkin.

If you come in contact with someone you suspect has a cold or the flu be sure and wash your hands or use a sanitizer as soon as possible. If someone at home gets sick wipe down all the surfaces they come in contact with using a disinfectant cleaner or alcohol. Wash pillows and bedding they have used. More hand washing is in order, too!

To read other tips for staying healthy in the cold and flu season, check out “Preventing Cold & Flu: How Doctors Keep Germs at Bay”. Be well!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years, Oh My

Christmas is the holiday when most of us have the most to do; so we focused our attention on helpful hints to make your Christmas as hassle free as possible. However, you can use these guidelines for all your holidays.

1) Don’t let procrastination get the better of you. Read “Procrastination…Why Do We Do It?”.

2) Make a list of all that needs to be done such as hanging Christmas lights, buying gifts, putting up the tree, the baking and cooking, decorating, meal planning, house cleaning, gift wrapping, etc.

3) Prioritize your list. Determine when each task must be done and when each task can be done.
  a) Reservations should be made first. Reservations for transportation and hotel might be difficult or
      impossible when the holiday is near. If you plan to dine out on a holiday make your reservations early;
     then check back in a few weeks to confirm.
  b) Christmas lights and artificial trees can be put up as soon as Thanksgiving weekend or even earlier if you  prefer. Buy fresh trees one to two weeks before Christmas day
   c) Start looking for and buying gifts during your normal shopping trips, the earlier the better. In fact shopping  online is even easier, less stressful, and safe. Learn what to look for in “A Guide to Safer Internet Shopping”.
   d) Buy one or two universal gifts just in case someone pops in unexpected. A great tip here is to pick up cheese and sausage gift packs or boxes of chocolates. These are readily found at Christmastime; and they make great gifts for anyone. Wrap gifts as soon as you buy them; then you won’t get stuck staying up late wrapping a mountain of gifts all at once. For more helpful information on how to stretch your shopping budget read “How to Spend Wisely and Money Saving Tips” and “How Can I Afford Christmas Gifts?”.
   e) We all want our homes to be spotless for the holidays, especially if company is coming. However, now
is not the time for spring cleaning. With all the extra tasks that must be done, there simply isn’t time. Do a general cleaning and straightening of the bedrooms, dining room, den, etc. a few days ahead of time. Leave the bathrooms and kitchen until the day before. Give them a quick wipe down just before guests arrive.
   f) Make a grocery list for the holidays; and buy what you need during your regular shopping trips. Buy
items that will keep on the shelf or in the freezer several weeks ahead. Forgotten items can be picked
up on your next shopping trip.
   g) Prepare any foods that you can one or two days ahead of time; and keep in the refrigerator. You don’t want to spend all Christmas day stuck in the kitchen cooking.

4) Great job so far; but there is one big thing that can ruin everything on that special day if you aren’t prepared. How do you get a hot 20 lb turkey, roast, or ham out of your roasting pan and onto a cutting board or platter? It’s not as simple as just lifting the rack out of the pan. Getting it off the rack without it falling apart is something we struggled with for years. We tried all kinds of racks, nets, large forks, towels, and gloves. You name it; we tried it. Finally, we found a special rack that blew us away! No more burned
fingers or hands! No more turkey legs on the floor! In 30 seconds our 22 lb turkey was out of the roaster and on the platter ready to be carved! Give yourself and your family a big Christmas gift! You will not regret purchasing this roasting rack. We guarantee you will love it! Vist our Hints and Tips page for the latest tips.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Don’t Pull Your Hair Out – Get Organized!

Can’t find your car keys? Always wonder where you put your cell phone? Do you search for a pen every time you need to make a note? Are you constantly buying new items because you can’t remember where you put the one you already bought? Do you want to pull out your hair because you can never find anything? If this is you, you may have mischievous elves stealing your stuff; OR maybe you are just disorganized. If it’s the latter we have some tips and helpful information to get your life in order.

Just as procrastination adds stress to our lives, so does disorganization. As the old proverb says “Everything has a place and everything in its place”. These are good words to live by. Organizing everything from your kitchen cupboards to your time only makes good sense; and will help make your life less stressful. In this article our tips focus mostly on organizing your home. Watch for future articles regarding time organization.

One of the first things and maybe the most important thing that anyone should do to get organized is to “declutter”. Get rid of anything that you don’t use. A good rule of thumb is that if you haven’t used it in a year, you probably don’t need it. If it’s unusable throw it away or recycle, if possible. Donate usable items to your favorite charity. A big problem in this area is what to do with items of sentimental value. Most of us have at least one item that we hold dear. Make these items useful by using them in some way. If it’s an old ticket stub, frame it and use it to decorate your home or office. If it’s a souvenir glass or coffee mug from a trip you took, use it as a pen holder for your desk. You get the idea. The point is to keep only the things you use.

Next, review everything that is left. Ask yourself, “Where do I use this most?” The answer will be obvious for many items. Pots and pans go in the kitchen, clothing in the bedroom, etc. But, where in the kitchen do the pots and pans belong? Having things nearer to where you use them will make your life easier and save time. Having cookware in a cabinet near the stove and dinnerware in a cabinet near the table or the dishwasher makes perfect sense. Some items may be a little trickier. Fit them to your own personal lifestyle. Do you put on your makeup in your bedroom or do you use the bathroom mirror? If you answered both, then store your makeup in a bag that can be easily transported from room to room. Keep it in the room where you apply makeup the most.

Once you have decided where each item should go, see if there is anything else you can do to make use of the space you have. Buying shoe racks, drawer organizers, baskets, bins, etc. will pay off in the long run. If you are spatially challenged and need to store items in a closet, attic, or garage, labeling the bins and boxes used for storage will keep you from wasting precious time searching.

Don’t go crazy. Your shoes don’t need to be placed in rows according to the style, color, manufacturer and the date they were purchased. Use a simple system that works for your particular situation. Going overboard will make you nuts. Perhaps, you have six pairs of shoes. If that’s the case, then simply putting them away in your closet every time you remove them will work. If you have fifty pairs, you may want to group them together in your closet according to type such as sneakers, boots, high heels, etc.

Expect yourself to be diligent about keeping things in their place. If you decided your car keys go in a basket on a table by the front door, then ALWAYS put them there. You will never have to search for your car keys again. Check out “6 Tips for Getting Organized this Year” for more helpful hints on getting organized.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Information surfaces on 84 year olds death.

Corporate ladder climbing and poor corporate strategy kills 84 year old. Another sad day in American history! General Motors woes continue after the murder of its Pontiac division Sunday. Pontiacs mussel cars including the GTO, during the 60’s and the Trans-am, made famous in the 70’s, by the movie “Smokey and the Bandit”, are to be no more. Even the comeback of the Trans-Am in the 90’s could not save this historic company from the brutalities of greed and its CEO’s.