Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Guide to Safer Internet Shopping

Safer Internet Shopping
How do you know when a website is trustworthy? What can you look for to help determine a website's credibility? Here are some tips and things you should know:

•Look toward the bottom of the page; and see what is there. Usually, websites put their policies and trust seals at the bottom of the page in the footer area. Are there any links to their policies? Are there any trust seals anywhere on the page? This is where you can start to find information to build trust. No trust seals, No trust!

•Click on a trust seal to see what they have to say. Examples include VeriSign, McAfee, Go Daddy, etc. Does it tell about encryption? Does it name the site you are looking at or the website host? Is it actually a link to information? Just having the image on the page isn’t good enough!

•Do they have an accreditation seal such as the Better Business Bureau (BBB)? If it is a BBB seal click on it. The BBB has information about the company and a grade. The company has to adhere to the BBB’s code of business practices to keep their accreditation.

•Look at their privacy and security policies. BBB members have to adhere to and post strict polices to keep their accreditation.

•Do they use PayPal for payment? PayPal has a very good service for your protection. You can have an account with them so you are not always giving out your credit card information. At Hubcaps and Gravy you can use Paypal with your card; and we do not have access to your credit card information!

•Is there contact information on the site including address, email address and phone number?

•At the checkout page, look at the URL. Does it start with HTTPS? The “S” means your information is encrypted and secure.

•Don’t be influenced by fancy bells and whistles of any website. Check Them Out!

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