Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Proper Lighting Reduces Eyestrain & Computer Vision Syndrome

Proper Lighting Reduces Eyestrain
Don’t use bright overhead lighting.
Don’t work near a sunny window, if possible.
Don’t work in a dark room.
Don’t use a CRT monitor (television type).
Don’t have bright lights behind your monitor.

Do use LED lamps. They reduce heat, energy use and eyestrain.
Do use desk lamps. Use adjustable desk lamps placed at the sides of your monitor.
Do close shades. Use dark curtains or move your desk away from window areas, whenever possible.
Do use LCD flat screen monitors. Television type monitors flicker increasing eyestrain.
Do reduce glare. Turn your computer off and see how much glare is on your screen; then reposition to reduce glare as much as possible.
Do take a break. Use a digital timer to remind yourself to take a break. Mayo Clinic says A good rule of thumb is to follow the 20/20/20 rule: Every 20 minutes, take your eyes off your computer and look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.
Do reduce your screen's brightness if you work in a darkened room.
Do clean your screen. Dust and smudges make viewing more difficult.

In today’s workplace many people spend a large part of their work day staring at a computer screen resulting in eyestrain or computer vision syndrome. Eyestrain symptoms may include sore, tired, dry, itchy, burning, or watery eyes. Other signs are sore neck or back, shoulder pain, and blurred or double vision. Eyestrain doesn’t have serious consequences; but it can be very uncomfortable and cause a reduction in your productivity.
Changing your workspace by adding appropriate lighting can really help. If you're reading, writing, or “hunt and peck” typing, use an adjustable desk lamp. LED lamps used below eye level have advantages over incandescent and florescent lamps. Incandescent bulbs are hot and use a lot of electricity. Florescent lighting creates a washed out look; and the ballasts produce a lot of heat. LED lamps use the least amount of energy; and are much cooler than other choices.
Find out more about eyestrain and tips to alleviate it.

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