Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Surviving Diasters

Whether it’s a man-made or a natural disaster, we all need to be prepared. Emergency officials will provide relief;however, it could take hours or even days before they get to you. Having an emergency kit and plan is essential for survival. Following is very useful information to help you get prepared.

Get an emergency supply kit - You can purchase one or put together a do it yourself kit. Either way, here are some of the items your kit should include:

Water - one gallon per person per day for at least three days
Food – at least a three day supply of non-perishable food (don’t forget the can opener)
First Aid Kit - handbook, bandages, adhesive tape, sterile dressings, antiseptic towelettes, antibiotic ointment, burn ointment, sterile gloves, pain relievers, diarrhea medication, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, antacids, antihistamines, fever reducer, scissors, thermometer, tweezers, petroleum jelly, prescription medications you take regularly
Other items - flashlight and extra batteries, tools, maps, whistle, garbage bags, extra clothing, blankets, portable radio, cash

For more information on items you should have in your kit.

Make a plan for communicating - Your family may not be together when an emergency arises; so deciding how you will communicate with each other before hand is very important.

Identify an out-of-town contact - make sure every family member knows who to call and the phone number.
Plan a meeting place - discuss how you will get back together; and where you will try to meet, etc.
Determine emergency plans - ask about emergency procedures at places where your family may be when disaster strikes such as work, school, and daycare.

Read more tips for creating a plan.

One of the most important things you can do before the unexpected happens is be informed. Learn what types of emergencies are likely to occur in your area; and how you will be notified. Have a family discussion about what you will do in situations that may arise. Be sure each family member knows where your emergency kit is; and what they are to do when the worst happens. For more useful information on emergency preparedness go to Ready America.

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